Care assistance

Basic pay rates for care in London can vary from as little as £5.50 to as much as £9.50. Typically, basic rates paid by not-for-profit organisations are between £6.50 and £7.50 an hour. The wide range arises because some organisation pay a single rate regardless of the hours worked while others will pay premiums on top of the basic for working weekends, nights or bank holidays. Rates may also vary depending on qualifications. Increasingly, both private and charitable care providers pay staff with an NVQ2 qualification a higher rate of pay.

Generally, private sector organisations tend to pay less than the not-for-profit or public sector bodies. Private companies tend to have lower starting rates for unqualified staff but then give staff a bigger premium for qualifications. Even then their pay rates for NVQ-trained staff are often less than found elsewhere.

A useful guide might be average earnings and for care assistants in London the latest available official figure is £8.11 an hour with the typical working being just over 37 hours.

Basic rates (typical)
Average earnings


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